Saturday 30 July 2011

Nail Varnish Fix

Don't you just hate it when your nail varnish isnt as good as i was when you fist applied it?

Well fear no more as i have the prefect solution instead of stripping the nail back and starting all over again just follow these handy tips

File down the edge of the nail varnish (where the chips start) until smooth
then carfully apply the colour to the tips dont worry if their is a faint line where the coats meet this will be sorted.

Then paint the whole nail with another coat of varnish (no more line :0)

Then apply top coat to seal the nail varnish and to help prevent from chipping, leave to dry for 10 minutes and then turn on the cold tap and just touch the nail to the water (while running) this helps to set the nail varnish.

and volla nice back to the fantastic finish you had before :)
Products I used :)


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